a church you can call home.

  • Time and Location

    Every Sunday at 11:00am

    10478 NW 31st Terrace, Miami, FL 33172

    We also engage with our virtual #WJFfam through our Sunday service live stream via Facebook.

  • WJF Kidz

    WJF Kidz have their own in-person services too! Join us on Sundays at 10:45am for age-specific Bible teachings.

    Our kids are safe and protected, actively and creatively engaged, and challenged to take what they learn about God here and live it out everywhere else!

  • What You Can Expect

    Wherever you find yourself in life, we want to be a place you can depend on for receiving inspiration, encouragement, and support.

    Worship Jesus Fellowship is a church that seeks to open its arms to people of all ages and backgrounds.

    The music & worship is vibrant and full of energy and fills our sanctuary with voices declaring Jesus’ goodness in our lives

    The sermon is reflective and authentic and meant to help you easily understand the heart of God, while always allowing constant growth in our lives.

    What God has done, is doing, and will do is always our focus.